Scientific instruments for research and testing applications in Lifesciences, Biomolecular binding, Protein stability & aggregation, Drug discovery, Physical chemistry of surfaces and interfaces, Materials science, Polymers, Materials testing and Oil & Gas.
The products we represent have been selected by top researchers and institutes to provide fast, accurate and repeatable measurement of physical properties of various materials. There have been more than 800+ publications using our products with more than 900+ units installed worldwide.
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There have been more than 800+ publications using our products with more than 900+ units installed worldwide.
Our vision is to become a reliable supplier for innovative scientific instruments to the Indian and South East Asian research community
Our vision is to become a reliable supplier for innovative scientific instruments to the Indian and South East Asian research community
Our vision is to become a reliable supplier for innovative scientific instruments to the Indian and South East Asian research community
Our vision is to become a reliable supplier for innovative scientific instruments to the Indian and South East Asian research community
Our vision is to become a reliable supplier for innovative scientific instruments to the Indian and South East Asian research community
Our vision is to become a reliable supplier for innovative scientific instruments to the Indian and South East Asian research community