HNü brings maximum sensitivity to various low light imaging applications in a standard turnkey design for quick and easy integration. With Nüvü Camēras technology, HNü provides all the performance that is expected with a high quality thermoelectrically-cooled EMCCD camera: lowest background noise; highest EM gain; readout rates up to 20 MHz for fastest acquisition; top quality optics to provide superior quantum efficiency; intuitive NüPixel software for control, acquisition and analysis; a variety of drivers for third-party software, as well as a software development kit (SDK) for maximum customizability.
The EM N2 offers high SNR for demanding custom needs in a variety of low light applications, supporting all EMCCD detector dimensions and cooling temperatures down to -110°C. With a liquid nitrogen cooling system, the EM N2 camera reaches its prime performance thanks to Nüvü Camēras' patented CCCP technology, allowing the very lowest clock-induced charge (CIC) levels. In turn, this makes greater EM gain attainable to achieve negligible sub-electron readout noise and highest horizontal charge transfer efficiency (CTE) for clearer images -- without deformation due to pixel leaking. A software development kit (SDK) is also included for customizable programming in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10 and Linux.
The CCCP is the technology behind Nüvü Camēras' high performance sensitivity in low light imaging. This controller generates significantly less CIC than any other CCD controller when displacing electrons throughout the detector semiconductor body and making higher EM gain possible in order to ultimately attain sub-electron readout noise.